Here You Find the Log of our Wine Travel

It has been a long journey from where we have started in 2016 to where we are today. If you dream and have the ambition and want to work hard, then you can achieve.

We have provided seven years of aggregation services in order to reveal the heritage, different cultures and traditions across Europe, all these in relation to wine. We have virtually brought to you many fantastic wine events and we hope you enjoyed at least some of them. We delivered them free of charge, but with great enthusiasm and positive mindset.

Recently, we have concluded that wineevents.eu should become a commercial service in order to grow. So, we are willing to transfer the idea as well as the implementation to investors interested to continue our story. In case of no interest till end of June, wineevents.eu domain goes to auction.

We are at your disposal in case of questions!

Wineevents.eu Team

M: 00386 31 017 434

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




We have good news for you! By performing continous wine event monitoring we have identified emerging wine events that are being scheduled within the first quarter of 2021 accross Europe. We'll make sure the event information is updated frequently, so please visit us more frequently from now on in order to get informed on selected, premium events.  If Corona measures still limit your travel, the events near your location might be of your special interest.

However, please be aware that events may be rescheduled due to updated COVID-19 measures, so we recommend you to visit the official event web page prior the visit.

Most of the events accross Europe have been canceled due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Most of our services are currently unavailable. Currently we are refreshing our web portal with new look & feel and adding some information on our mission and goals we'd like to achieve. Please visit us again in some time. We look forward to your return. Stay safe.